Message: Windows has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted – Solution

Message: Windows has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted – Solution.

Windows startup issues are problems that occur when the computer does not start as expected or when certain functions or programs do not run properly. Startup problems can have many causes, such as corrupted system files, conflicting software, incompatible drivers or hardware problems.

Common error message

A common error message that can occur with Windows startup problems is „The computer won’t start“ or „The computer is unresponsive“. These error messages may appear when the computer is unable to load the operating system or when there are problems starting services or programs.

Other error messages that may appear when there are Windows startup problems are „Error starting Windows“ or „Windows failed to start“. These error messages can be displayed when there are problems with the system files or the boot process.

How can I avoid Windows startup problems?

To fix Windows startup problems, there are several steps you can try. Some possible steps are:

Start the computer in Safe Mode to see if disabling services or programs can fix the problem.
Try repairing the system files with the „sfc /scannow“ command to see if corrupted system files are causing the problem.
Use System Restore to restore the computer to a previous time when it started properly.
Try removing or replacing incompatible or damaged hardware such as hard drives, RAM, or video cards.
If the problem is caused by conflicting software, uninstall that software and restart the computer.

If you have difficulties identifying or solving the problem, it is recommended to consult an IT specialist.

What can I do about the error message „Windows has detected a problem and needs to be restarted“?

Therefore, the error message „Windows has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted“ can also occur due to various reasons, such as corrupted system files, conflicting software or hardware issues. Here are some steps you can try to fix the problem:

Start the computer in Safe Mode and check if the problem does not occur there. If the problem does not occur in Safe Mode, it could be caused by a conflicting program or incompatible driver. In this case, uninstall the conflicting program or update the incompatible driver.

Solution and cause

The solution to the error message „Windows has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted“ depends on the cause of the problem. Here is a detailed list of possible solutions that can help you and that you should try urgently.

Check and repair broken system files:

  1. From Windows Startup Options, select „Troubleshoot“ > „Advanced Options“ > „Command Prompt“.
  2. Type „sfc /scannow“ in the window and press Enter.
  3. After the scan and repair, restart the computer.

Perform an automatic repair:

  1. From the Windows startup options, select „Troubleshooting“ > „Advanced Options“ > „Startup Repair.“
  2. Select the operating system. After the repair, restart the computer.

Restore the system:

  1. From Windows Startup Options, select „Troubleshoot“ > „Advanced Options“ > „Restore System.“
  2. Select a time from which you want to restore the system. Wait until the process is complete and restart the computer.

Restore the registry files:

  1. From Windows Startup Options, select Troubleshooting > Advanced Options > Command Prompt.
  2. Go to „C:\Windows\System32\Config\RegBack.“
  3. Go back to the Config folder.
  4. Copy the files „Default“, „SAM“, „Security“, „Software“ and „System“ to the previous directory „C:\Windows\System32\Config“.
  5. After restoring the registry files, restart the computer.

The problem should be fixed.

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